Swami Ayyappa Giri Swami Ayyappa Giri

Das Mahavidyas - The 10 Tantric Goddesses of Wisdom

Within yogic mysticism and Tantra, the Das Mahavidyas display the scope of the divine feminine in many powerful ways. These Goddesses of wisdom, the ten Mahavidyas, each represents distinct aspects of the personality, wisdom and truth of the divine feminine, whose primary intention is to guide the sincere spiritual seeker towards Moksha - liberation.

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Swami Premajyoti Saraswati Swami Premajyoti Saraswati

The Power of Symbol in Yoga Nidra

There are two clear places within this Yoga Nidra structure where symbol is purposeful and prominent. These places are in the Symbols or Rapid Images section and in the Story/imagery/journey section.

These sections are designed move people through the Manomaya and Vigyanamaya Koshas and symbol provides a powerful and empowering vehicle for expansive experiences within these two human sheaths.

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