Tattwa Shuddhi

The Practice of Purifying the Elements Within

In a broad way, both Yoga and Tantra deal with eternal relationship between energy and consciousness. 

In the traditions and world view of Tantra - these aspects of energy - Prakriti / Shakti and consciousness - Purusha / Shiva, are not abstractions, but a tangible reality existing within the framework of the individual body/mind, the structures of the subtle realms, and the entire manifest world. These are both kinetic and deep cognitive principles known at various depths by many great minds over thousands of years.  However, it takes a great mind, and an evolved personality to know Tantra in its fullest.

Practicing Hatha Yoga over a fairly extended period often begins to awaken Shakti within, but this is seldom felt within the higher psychic levels.  Tattwa Shuddhi concentrates the process of awakening and provides a form for concentration in order to shift and expand awareness. Tattwa Shuddhi develops the aspirant in body, mind and spirit - making all of their subsequent practices more impactful, both developmentally and curatively.

One early reference to tantric practice with the elements in the ancient text Mantra Mahodadhi/. It describes an important preliminary practice very important to perfom prior to the worship of deity - A method powerfully effective in the process of purification of the elements. Performing this particular practice in five important element Shiva Shrines, the Pancha Bhuta Sthalams of South India has brought long sought inner awareness to countless saints and aspirants over the centuries.

The technique of Tattwa Shuddhi provides a systematic process for involution whereby pratyahara (withdrawal from the senses) is induced, and the body, mind, and senses are incrementally dissolved into their source through the breath, mantra and deep meditation. One gains a glimpse of the true source of ones’ existence as subtle rather than material.

Tattwa Shuddhi is practiced to purify the whole of the being from gross to subtle. It culminates in a very refined awareness of the energy and consciousness within, so that their dynamic interplay can be understood and felt as two sides of the same coin. They are distinct, yet ultimately inseparable. Through this structured sadhana, the true power of the mind is revealed to the practitioner; mind beyond mere recycling and processing of thought. One is awakened to its deep creative potential. Potential that is truly fueled by the cosmic source from which we were born and belong. The process allows the aspirant to experience existence beyond the material and provides a mechanism for one to reside more and more within the truth of the Self - that part of every person that is unchanging, permanent, eternal.  Once revealed, the Self occurs as a shining and assured reality that is unafraid of any question.

Through practice, mental and psychic awareness of the elements in the form of their Yantras (revealed primordial geometries), are first created of within the body. The practitioner witnesses the process of one tattwa emerging from another.  They are then dissolved back into each other.

This process allows one to delve deeper and deeper into the subtler layers of existence and to purify the elemental influences in the along the way.  It allows one to discover the universal or cosmic energy within. The force and nature of that energy is ultimately revealed internally as divine feminine personification, linking and anchoring the universal back into the personal. The aspirant, now having glimpsed and felt their own cosmic truth in a deep remembrance, may then, with regular and reverent practice keep returning to that Truth-Light as revealed and always within.


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Shodashi Devi - Mahavidya