Meditation and the Awakening Power of the Chakras ~ for Teachers & Practitioners


    Delivered by experienced Yogini and Meditation Guide, Swami Premajyoti Saraswati. This is an in-depth masterclass on the awakening power of the chakras in Meditation.

    The chakras are storehouses of latent creative energy of the same nature as Prana - Life-force. They are also referred to as psychic centres. 'Chakra' literally means wheel, or circle. The chakras are located along the main stream of bioelectric energy running along the spine within the human system, the Sushumna Nadi.

    Each of the chakras is symbolized by to a lotus flower and has a specific number of petals which may also be perceived on an inner level as rays of light. Each chakra has its own psychic, emotional, attitudinal, energetic and symbolic attributes - and these attributes provide us with avenues for meditation resulting in different levels of depth and intensity.

    The petals of the chakras also hold specific keys to overcoming the many cyclic patterns of thought and behavior that inevitably develop as the experience of life clouds the truth of who we are.

    Working with the Chakras in meditation is a specialized area. This class will give you, deeper knowledge, experience, increased awareness and confidence to work in this esoteric arena of human potential.

    This class is for both those who wish to learn more about classical meditation within Yoga and Tantra for their own practice, and for those who guide, or aspire to guide others.

    Go deeper in your knowledge about the Chakras as ancient psycho-spiritual vortices and their history in ancient Vedic and Tantric scripture.

    Learn about how we may move into deep states of peace, healing and discovery through chakra meditation practice.

    Experience several different techniques for meditating with the Chakras and how this may be incorporated into Sadhana (daily dedicated spiritual practice)